10 Important Tips for Healthy Teeth

10 Important Tips for Healthy Teeth

10 golden rules to have healthy teeth in oral and dental care;


  • Brushing the teeth in the morning and evening, using dental floss and thorough cleaning of the teeth with mouthwashes. Although flossing is not very common, it is the process that completes dental cleaning. No matter how well the teeth are brushed, the interfaces and under the dentures are cleaned with the help of dental floss. According to the statistics, while the effect of brushing is 66% in removing plaque from the mouth, the role of dental floss in removing plaque from the mouth is 34%. Dental floss should be used once a day.
  • A balanced diet is very important for oral and dental health. The first principle in nutrition is to take in a balanced way all kinds of protein, vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates necessary for the body. Just as any habit that will disrupt this balance negatively affects our general health, it will also negatively affect our dental health.
  • Hard foods such as hazelnuts and walnuts should not be broken with teeth.
  • Eating fibrous and very hard foods such as carrots and apples acts as a toothbrush, cleaning and strengthening the teeth.
  • After foods such as candy, chocolate, Turkish delight, teeth should be especially brushed or rinsed with plenty of water.
  • Application of fissure sealant to molar teeth, especially in childhood, prevents caries.
  • Chewing sugar-free gum helps clean teeth.
  • Instead of acidic drinks, natural fruit juices or mineral waters should be preferred.
  • Caries should be checked by going to the dentist regularly and having panoramic x-rays taken at regular intervals.
  • It strengthens the teeth with fluoride application.

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Dt. Recep Ashkar