Root Canal Treatment
Salih ÖNDER2023-10-26T15:04:34+03:00Many people do not go to the dentist without a serious toothache. Thanks to modern technology and highly qualified physicians, fear of the dentist tends to decrease. Teeth that were often extracted in the past can be protected today by treatments applied to the roots of the teeth in the form of root canal treatment.
In order to better understand what root canal treatment is, it is important to know the structure and layers of the teeth. The white part of the teeth that is visible from the outside is called the crown, and the part that is embedded in the gums is called the root. Teeth are composed of different layers: enamel, dentin, cementum and pulp. Enamel is the outermost protective layer of the crown. Since this layer does not contain nerve cells, it is not sensitive to pain. In the root parts of the teeth, there is no enamel, instead there is a layer called cementum. Cementum is the continuation of the enamel in the gingiva, but it is not as hard and durable. Under the enamel and cementum is the dentin layer. The part in the center of the tooth that contains blood vessels and nerve endings is called the pulp.
If the cavities formed in the tooth have not passed the dentin layer, they can only be treated by filling. However, if the caries or infection has progressed to the pulp, it means that there is no other choice but to perform root canal treatment to save the tooth.
What is root canal treatment?
Root canal treatment is a treatment method used to save teeth whose pulp has been damaged due to caries, inflammation or trauma and applied to the root of the tooth. With this treatment, microorganisms and dental pulp that cause decay or inflammation are cleaned with special tools and the tooth is functional again. With a successful root canal treatment, the infected tooth is saved and used for many years. In root canal treatment, the inflamed vein and nerve tissue in the dental pulp are removed and a filling material is placed in their place. With this procedure, the channel through which the vessels and nerves in the root of the tooth pass is closed. The root canal treated tooth is no longer sensitive to pain.
how make is root treatment?
Root canal treatment is performed by a specialist dentist and includes several steps consisting of a series of procedures. These steps can be listed as follows:
- First, a hole is drilled in the crown of the relevant tooth.
Through this hole, the pulp part of the tooth is reached. - The inflamed pulp is removed, the canals in the root of the tooth are enlarged with special instruments and formed into a suitable shape for the dental filling material.
- If there is a piece of broken tooth, it is removed.
- If the procedure is to be completed in a single session, it is filled with permanent filling.
- If several sessions are required, temporary filling is used and in the next sessions, the temporary filling is removed and necessary applications and therapeutic dressings are made.
- When the process is completed, permanent filling or coating prepared from materials such as zirconium and porcelain is made according to the needs.
Is root canal treatment a painful procedure?
There are prejudices among the public about root canal treatment. In particular, the view that treatment causes severe pain is common. There is also a false belief that the life of the tooth will be shortened after treatment. For these reasons, individuals tend to delay treatment. As a result of this behavior, caries and infection in the tooth can progress to the point where it is impossible to be saved by root canal treatment. However, since the tooth and surrounding tissues are anesthetized with regional anesthesia without root canal treatment, no pain is felt. With root canal treatment, the life of the teeth is also extended.
In which cases is root canal treatment necessary?
Root canal treatment, also called root canal treatment, is the last resort to save a decayed tooth. Situations where root canal treatment is required;
When gingivitis is not treated, the bacteria progresses and reaches the roots of the teeth. At this stage, root canal treatment is used as a last resort.
If there are fractures and cracks in the tooth that have progressed to the pulp, root canal treatment is required.
Root canal treatment may also be necessary in unsuccessful fillings and advanced gingival diseases.
How do you know if your tooth needs root canal treatment?
- If your tooth hurts without any stimulus,
- If you experience toothache when you consume hot and cold food and drinks,
- If you have an abscess and associated swelling on your face,
- If an infection that has reached the dental pulp is seen in the dental x-ray taken by the dentist, root canal treatment is required.
Can root canal treatment fail?
The probability of failure in root canal treatments performed by a dentist who is an expert in the field in accordance with hygiene rules and under sterile conditions is very low. However, there is a low probability of unsuccessful treatment. Some of the cases where root canal treatment fails;
Nerve tissue remaining in the root of the tooth that is not completely cleaned during the treatment,
In cases where the filling cannot be made completely, the bacteria infiltrating the tooth root from the gaps between the fillings and the development of inflammation,
During the treatment, it can be listed as the formation of cracks or fractures in the tooth.
When the treatment fails, symptoms of inflammation such as pain in the related tooth, pain in the root of the tooth, swelling and redness are observed.
What are the advantages of forehead treatment?
With root canal treatment, teeth that are in danger of being lost are saved and they remain in the mouth for a longer period of time. Thus, the negative effects of applications such as prostheses or bridges are prevented. Even if the tooth is not alive, it will continue to fulfill its chewing function and thus, the melting of the bones in that area due to non-use will be prevented.
What should be considered during the root canal treatment process?
You should not eat or drink anything until the effect of regional anesthesia applied after root canal treatment wears off. Because the anesthesia area is numb, you are more likely to hurt yourself. Especially drinking hot beverages may result in burns in the mouth. If you chew something with the treated side, you can cause injury by biting your cheek or tongue.
Since the temporary fillings used in treatments completed in more than one session are not strong, it is important to avoid chewing gum with these teeth and eating hard foods such as nuts between sessions. If the temporary filling falls out for any reason, a dentist should be consulted immediately for a new filling. Because inflammation may develop in the exposed area and fractures may occur in the tooth. This may result in further prolongation of the treatment and even loss of your tooth.
You may have a slight pain in your teeth after root canal treatment or between sessions during treatment. Again, sensitivity can be seen when hot and cold foods are consumed. This will go away on its own after a few days of treatment. In this process, you can use a painkiller recommended by your doctor for pain and tenderness.
How long does root canal treatment take?
Root canal treatment usually takes about 1-1.5 hours, including the numbing process, cleaning of the tooth root and filling. However, in some cases, more than one session may be required for treatment. For example, if the infection in the tooth has progressed and spread to the surrounding tissues, more than one session will be required.
What to do if root canal treatment fails?
In this case, the tooth is opened and the treatment is done in the same way from the beginning. If necessary, 2-3 sessions of dressing and canal washing are applied to purify the tooth root from microorganisms. Between sessions, the tooth is filled with a temporary filling. When the dressing treatment is completed, the process is completed with a permanent filling or coating.
How should dental care be after root canal treatment?
With proper and good care, the tooth saved by root canal treatment can be used for years, sometimes even for a lifetime. After the treatment, the teeth should be brushed at least twice a day and dental floss should be used for interface care. The dentist should be visited more often and necessary checks should be made. Since the tooth with root canal treatment may be fragile, chewing hard foods such as shelled nuts and ice should be avoided.
Hospitadent; With its expert staff and state-of-the-art equipment, it is at your side in all matters related to oral and dental health, including root canal treatment.
Treatment Summary
Number of Transactions
Return to Work Process
Processing Time
10 Days
Full Recovery Process
Anesthesia Method
Local anesthesia
Persistence of Results
5 Years
Sensitivity Process
Eating - Drinking Process
2 Hours Later
Note: *The information and recommendations on this page are for informational purposes only. Please consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment. WhatsApp line.
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