Smile Design / Smile Aesthetics
Salih ÖNDER2024-11-06T22:22:07+03:00What is digital smile design?
Factors that impair smile aesthetics, such as decayed teeth, unhealthy gums, tooth loss, crooked teeth and dark discolorations, can cause serious problems in people’s social life and self-confidence over time, and may cause problems such as avoiding laughing in public.
In addition, no matter how beautiful your teeth are, if they do not look in harmony with the other structures on your face, they cannot create a complete aesthetic condition. Smile is a concept that includes not only the teeth, but also the shapes of the facial bones, the shapes and movements of the facial muscles, and the harmony of other facial structures. For this reason, smile aesthetics is a concept that is personal and has different qualities for everyone, and when a change is planned, personalized methods should be used.
For centuries, human beings have benefited from the concept of the golden ratio while seeking aesthetic perfection. The so-called golden ratio is possible by correctly calculating the face shapes and their ratios to each other. At this point, digital smile design is an initiative that uses special computer programs to make the teeth healthier, to make them more suitable for face shapes, and to plan a more aesthetic smile, by using calculations for the golden ratio. In order to obtain the smile you wish, you need to choose a dental clinic that uses those special computer programs. In Turkey dental care is generally maintained by advanced and skilled dental clinics. As one of those advanced dental clinics in Istanbul Turkey, Hospitadent might be the key to your perfect smile.
What is the golden ratio?
Basically, it is accepted that there is a mathematical harmony between everything that we describe as beautiful in nature. This fit is calculated as a numerical value. This value, which exists by itself in nature, has been used for many years in plastic arts such as painting and sculpture, and in architecture.
In addition to symmetry, this mathematical value is taken into account in calculating the harmony of face shapes in aesthetic applications. In many measurements such as the distance between the eyes, the distance between the nose and the lips, the proportion of the edges of the mouth and lips to the facial lines, and the laugh line, proximity to this value is sought. This value, which can be calculated in almost any situation that looks harmonious and beautiful to the human eye, is called the golden ratio.
In order to achieve this ratio, you need to choose a good dental clinic in Turkey. Luckily, Hospitadent can meet your needs and expectations!
What are the advantages of digital smile design?
Everyone deserves a beautiful smile that makes them happy when they look in the mirror. Now, it is much easier to achieve a more beautiful smile in the light of brand new technologies.
With the digital technologies developed today, the ideal smile and teeth can be designed in computer environment and applied to the patient’s mouth in line with the proportions of face shapes and the wishes of the person. The golden ratio calculations taken into account while making this design allow not only teeth but also a whole smile and facial aesthetics to be provided.
The method called digital smile design is the design of the most suitable smile for the person, taking into account the golden ratio on the face. Dental Group Hospitadent serves you in all its branches for a brand new smile with its innovative treatment approach that follows the latest technologies and its expert physician staff.
To maximize your satisfaction, it is important that you receive a good treatment. In order to achieve that, Hospitadent is ready to serve you as one of the best dental clinics in Istanbul Turkey.
How long does digital smile design take?
It may take a few days to create temporary molds after the necessary measurements are made on the first inspection day and the design is made in the computer environment. The duration of the permanent application of the digital smile design to the patient’s mouth varies according to the planned treatments.
If you wish this period to pass smoothly, you should choose the right dental clinic in Turkey. Considering that you pay attention to your dental care Istanbul would be the one of the best options as it has many dental clinics. Fortunately, Hospitadent can serve you in Istanbul with its multiple branches in different locations.
How to make a digital smile design?
First of all, a detailed intraoral examination is performed on the patient. Unhealthy conditions related to mouth and teeth are determined. These are conditions such as rotten teeth, gum diseases, tooth deficiencies, tooth crowding. In determining these situations, radiological images, that is, x-ray techniques, are also used. In addition, intraoral camera imaging and measurements taken from the patient’s mouth are other methods used.
In order to determine the patient’s face profile and dimensions, photographs are taken and transferred to the computer environment. The anatomical features and dimensions of the patient such as lip thickness, nose distance, eye shape are determined with special software on these photographs, and the dimensions that the teeth should be after treatment are determined according to these.
Different face shapes require different planning. For example, a person with an oval face shape and a person with more angular facial features cannot have teeth in the same image. For this reason, factors such as the general shape of the face and the appearance of the jaw tip are important in determining the shape of the teeth after treatment. Factors such as the patient’s age, gender and skin color also affect the smile design.
The expectations and wishes of the person regarding his/her appearance are also taken into consideration while planning.
After the necessary determinations and plans are made, the image of the patient at the end of the treatment is approximately created in the computer environment and a temporary mold with this image is obtained on the jaw models obtained with the measurements taken from the patient.
The prepared mold is applied on the teeth. At these stages
no process is applied in the works and the teeth are not damaged.
The points to be changed on the applied temporary formwork are replanned. If these changes are too much, a digital smile design is made again and a new temporary pattern is obtained. After the treatment plans are clarified, the temporary mold is removed from the mouth. After this stage, the planned treatments are started to be carried out sequentially.
Hygienic treatments such as gum treatment, filling and root canal treatment are performed first. The teeth that need to be extracted are extracted.
Sometimes, if there are crooked teeth that distort the appearance, these are removed with orthodontic treatment, that is, wire treatment.
If the patient has missing teeth and implant treatments are planned, the next step is to make the implants. If there are other planned surgical procedures, they are also performed at this stage.
After the healing phase of implants and other surgical procedures is over, whitening treatments are applied to the existing teeth if necessary.
At the end of these stages, aesthetic prosthesis applications are started. Porcelain is the most important prosthetic material in aesthetic dental applications.
While porcelain is sometimes used with zirconium or metal support in the back areas, it is sometimes used alone in areas where aesthetics is more important.
Porcelain laminates, which do not require tooth abrasion or can be performed with very little abrasion, are preferred, especially in order to prevent damage to healthy teeth in the anterior region. These prostheses are prepared in accordance with the shapes, colors and sizes previously planned with digital smile design.
Apart from dental treatment procedures, if needed, a smile is also shaped with the help of botox and dermal fillings. Some disproportions in lip and chin shape are eliminated by these methods. These applications are also made in accordance with the image planned in the digital smile design and calculated by using the golden ratio.
For all these processes to go smoothly, the patient should opt for an advanced dental clinic in Turkey. If you are looking for a perfect dentist in Istanbul Turkey for your new smile, Hospitadent is the place you are looking for.
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Can digital smile design be made for everyone?
Digital smile design can be made for anyone who is not satisfied with their smile and teeth and who wants changes in this regard. However, in the presence of excessive irregularities in the tooth alignment, for example, if one or more teeth are in a position to prevent the correct placement of the temporary mold, it may be more appropriate to design a digital smile after these problems are resolved, since the mold made will not be able to fully reflect the end of the treatment.
If you wish to obtain more information concerning this issue, feel free to contact us. With many advanced dental clinics in Istanbul Turkey, Hospitadent is ready to help you!
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Is digital smile design reliable?
The biggest benefit of digital smile design is that the image to be obtained at the end of treatments and aesthetic interventions can be predicted from the very beginning of the process. The patient’s ability to see the result from the beginning and shape the change in desire prevents any surprises at the end of the treatment. In this way, patient satisfaction can be increased to a much higher level.
With its innovative approach, Hospitadent is with you in all your oral and dental health treatments, including digital smile design, with all its branches and qualified expert staff, by taking advantage of the latest point of technology.
If you wish to be satisfied with the results, you need choose a good dentist in Istanbul Turkey. Hospitadent can meet your expectations with its skilled staff.
For your information –> Hollywood Smile Turkey
Treatment Summary
Number of Transactions
Return to Work Process
Processing Time
10 Days
Full Recovery Process
Anesthesia Method
Local anesthesia
Persistence of Results
5 Years
Sensitivity Process
Eating - Drinking Process
2 Hours Later
Note: *The information and recommendations on this page are for informational purposes only. Please consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment. WhatsApp line.
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